7 Wild Hog Facts Every Hog Hunter Should Know


We have said it before, and we will say it again, hunting wild hog is becoming a very popular game to harvest. The numbers of them are rapidly growing throughout the United States, causing them to be easily accessible to many hunters. In our previous hog hunting blog titled Hog Hunting: 12 States Where You Can Hunt Them Year Round & Why You Should, not only did we elaborate on what states allow you to hunt them without a tag limit, but we also indicated 4 crucial reasons of why you should consider hunting them. Therefore, now that you know why we believe this game is important to hunt (and if you haven’t read that last blog yet, click here before moving on), we want to provide you with crucial facts that we believe will elevate your future hog hunts.

Here are 7 facts that every hunter aiming to harvest wild hog should know.

Fact 1: It’s Hard To Fool This Game’s Nose

Hogs might not have the best eye sight out of the game that we hunt, but they do have very good noses. According the researchers at Texas A&M, hogs can sense odors that are as far away as 5-7 miles, and can detect odors underground as deep as 25 feet. This is why you see many hunters seeing success with the “spot and stalk” tactic, as you can fool the eyes if you are careful, but rarely can hunters fool a wild hogs nose. To read more from the Texas A&M research on wild hogs, click here.

Fact 2: Hogs Do Not Have Sweat Glands

Now, we know what you’re probably thinking… Why would I care if hogs have sweat glands or not? Well, we are here to tell you. Hogs do not have sweat glands which means that they have to go to drastic measures to keep cool in heat. Considering many hog populations that are becoming hard to control are in the south (Texas, Alabama, etc.), knowing this fact will help you better plan your hunts, and hunt the weather to the best of your ability by getting into the mindset of a wild hog. When it is extremely hot, hogs will tend to stay along water if available or near the thickest cover possible. You can also catch wild hogs laying in the mud, or moving late at night when they temperatures begin to drop. Therefore, with this information, it is easily noticed that the best times to hunt wild hogs is going to be in the colder months, as they are not putting in as much effort to stay cool. However, now that you know where they will reside during the warm months, they might be easier to locate.

muddy wild hog.jpg

Fact 3: They Are Notorious Runners And Jumpers

Wild hogs may not look agile, however, they can gain speeds of up to 30 mph. They have also been known to jump over fences that are less than 3 feet high, and researchers have sighted wild hogs making their way out of traps that were 5 to 6 feet high. Now, what does all of this mean? Hunt with caution. As we stated above, they have a great sense of smell, and they are large, aggressive animals that can come charging at high speeds which means that if you are planning on hunting or trapping these wild hogs, you must be careful with the techniques that you are aiming to use. Texas A&M suggests that hunters who are trapping wild hogs use traps with 90 degree corners must be covered on top because “the pigs tend to pile up in that corner and literally climb over each other– and the corner gives enough leverage for them to go over the top.”

Fact 4: They Can Sight Objects Up To 100 Yards Away

Although we did state that wild hogs do not have the best eyesight, they can sight figures up to 100 yards away. This means that if you are aiming to spot and stalk this game you best be careful, as they can hear and see you at decent distance.

Fact 5: Locating Uprooted Soil Is Your Best Bet

Uprooted soil from a wild pig feeding, bedding, etc.

Uprooted soil from a wild pig feeding, bedding, etc.


One of the most crucial signs to look for when aiming to harvest a wild hog is to locate uprooted soil. Wild hogs are known for using their snouts to root through vegetation and find food. Therefore, uprooted soil is one of the most recognizable signs of a wild hog’s presence and is going to help you harvest a nice pig.

Fact 6: Many Wild Hogs Are Becoming Nocturnal

As wild hogs become more and more popular to hunt due to their increasing numbers, many hogs have adapted to hunters behavior and strategies by becoming nocturnal. This nocturnal behavior means that one of the best time to hunt wild hogs is often when they are feeding at night. Several states allow the hunting of hogs on private and public land, with and without artificial light. However, we feel that various wild hog hunting equipment such as the Game Alert Hog Hunting Light, which can be attached to the bottom of feeders and provides momentary illumination when a hog is within range, simplifies the process of hog hunting at night and helps you see success.

And finally…

Fact 7: Their Population Increases By 20% Each Year

Recent studies have shown that the wild hog population is increasing across the United States by as much as 20% yearly! With this species causing damage to our crops, agriculture, and forests, this is all the more reason to hunt these animals. It is important that we start taking the rapid growth of these animals seriously and begin heavily taking advantage of our hunting rights. Click here to view your states wild hog hunting regulations, as it can vary from state to state, but more states are loosening their regulations yearly due to the rapid growth.

Overall, these animals are smart. They are very good at adapting to their habitats and adjusting to the weather that their region brings them, and that is why their numbers are growing at an outrageous rate. Therefore, that is all the more reason to hunt them. With these 7 facts in the back of your mind, and your HuntWise app to guide you along the way with predictions of the best times to hunt in your area, you are sure to see success afield and harvest a wild hog. Plus, with how smart and mischievous these guys are, it is nothing short of fun.

Good luck hunters, and shoot straight.