3 Simple Tips For Hunting Coyote In The Winter
Many avid whitetail hunters often will shift their focus to coyote hunting during the winter time. This time of year is generally referred to as the deer hunters “off-season” and hunting coyote can help them for a number of reasons. Not only does harvesting a nice ‘yote keep their skills sharp for fall, but it also helps many of the species that they love to hunt be managed properly. Considering coyotes are predators, in the animal kingdom they are looked at as hunters just like we are. Therefore, deer, turkey, duck, and rabbit are all in their chief source of nutrients, making our games populations on the decline if coyote do not get controlled.
With that said, it is important to understand that coyotes are predators that have to run for miles in order to meet their basic needs to survive. They work very hard for every meal and are almost always on the hunt for food. In the winter, coyotes will roam up to 100 square miles searching for food and when their pups come in mid-Winter that range can double. Therefore, it is crucial that you understand how to fool these predators in order to get inside of their head.
Here are 3 simple tips for winter coyote hunting that will help you get in their head, in hopes that you harvest a nice ‘yote.
Locate “The Thick Stuff”
What do we mean by this? We mean locate the areas where you think coyotes prey could easily hide. With snow on the ground, coyotes prey automatically have to be much more careful, as there is not as much “natural camouflage” for these animals to use to their advantage. Therefore, try locating brush piles, shelterbelts, etc. This is going to increase your odds of the areas that your ‘yotes might be lurking around. Consider hunting near field lines where the tree lines are very thick.
Try The “Backtracking” Method
The key to coyote success is understanding what they are doing both before and after you locate them. And that is why we suggest you try the backtracking method. With backtracking, you will call coyotes in and try to determine where they were coming from before they came to you. This method helps hunters understand the types of places where coyotes will hang out, what they might be up to at certain times of days, etc. Now granted, this takes a lot of patience and a lot of trial and error, however, after backtracking for several seasons at various times and various places, you will start to develop some insight as to what patterns these coyotes follow during these winter months.
Set-Up Your Position Downwind
During the winter, a hunter must avoid being detected at all costs. Therefore, it is crucial that hunters approach their set-up from downwind, as this should help better cover their scent due to the fact that coyotes are often known for approaching their “targets” from downwind. In that case, make sure you are scouting beforehand and checking the wind conditions on your HuntWise app to make sure you are prepared before you go in for your set-up, as these animals can be easily spooked and staying as quiet as possible is going to help immensely.
Predator hunting is nothing short of difficult. These animals are smart, and they adapt very easily to their environments. However, with patience, persistence, and these 3 crucial tips, we are sure that you will see success and harvest a nice ‘yote this winter.
Good luck hunters, and shoot straight.