Posts tagged whitetail hunting
How to Hunt All Phases of the Whitetail Rut

When it comes to the annual whitetail rut, you no longer have to leave it to chance, your best guess, or any of the outdated and inaccurate myths and urban legends that have been passed down.

With tried and tested whitetail rut hunting tactics from Jeff Sturgis—an innovator in whitetail hunting strategies for over 35 years—and first-of-its-kind, localized rut tracking tools like RutCast, you now have scientific and historical data, expert insight, and real-time weather forecasting at your fingertips to track every phase of the whitetail rut as they unfold right where you are.

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Top 4 Tips for Calling Bucks During The Rut

Calling in a deer is one of the most exciting things that you can do as a hunter; it means you are perfectly positioned and communicating directly with deer.

How do you draw bucks into shooting range during this period of increased movement? It doesn’t matter if it’s pre-rut, the middle of the rut, or if the rut is cooling off, here are time-tested tactics to call in shooter bucks.

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